So we all know sugar has many detrimental side effects, right? But it just tastes so damn good.. 
                                    Well there is a HEALTHY alternative that tastes just as great!

        The sad truth is, most of us have grown so accustomed to the sweet taste of sugars in our food and drink, that we feel we cannot live without it. In fact, many people in Western society are actually ADDICTED to these refined sugars without even knowing it. 
        Simple sugars are easilly broken down in the body, and therefore give a massive spike in energy. This energy is followed by a huge low, as the body pumps out Insulin to regulate the blood-sugar overload. Most people then crave more sugar to bring up their energy levels, and so begins the cycle of the sugar addiction.
        An amazing alternative to sugar is a sweet herb called STEVIA. Stevia comes in different forms such as powder, liquid and drops and is available from Health Food Stores. A very small scoop of Stevia powder (the size of a pinky fingernail) is equal to the sweetness of a whole teaspoon of refined table sugar. And here's the good news... even with all that sweetness, Stevia contains ZERO CALORIES!
        Among the many health benefits, Stevia helps to stabilise blood sugar levels (giving you balanced energy throughout the day) and has a regulating effect on the pancreas. It is fantastic for people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, Candidiasis and of course as an aid for weight-loss.
        A word of warning though, too much stevia can yeild a bitter aftertaste, so don't go crazy and put a whole teaspoon in your cuppa! (It is so sweet that you sincerely wouldn't need to anyway!) Through trial and error, I have found that stevia works best to sweeten liquids (like hot dinks and smoothies), and isn't so great in baking or large recipes (...there are other great refined sugar alternatives for that - yet to be discussed). 

            So try some Stevia in your next hot drink, and enjoy the sweeter side of life.... guilt-free!